For the managers
Managerial performance
Sales team management
- Best practices in sales management
- Mobilize, support and measure with the 3 types of sales meetings
- The sales dashboard : Qualitative and Quantitative
- Transactional analysis to optimize your team and individual meetings
- The Process Com approach to support and strengthen your relationship with your teams
Fundamental aspects of management | BOSS® method
- Building a diagnosis of your team
- Organize individual follow-up
- Supporting progress in the field
- Stimulate the team
Develop the skills of sales people
- Becoming an elite coach
- Situational management
- Mapping your team’s key skills
- Announcing a developmental field coaching
- Why and how to give positive feedback
- Why and how to conduct coaching on the spot
- The SCORE method
- The COACH method
Conducting effective individual interviews
- Conducting a congratulatory interview
- Conducting a reframing interview
- Conducting a remotivation interview
- Conducting a delegation interview
- Synchronize to communicate better
How to succeed in recruitment interviews
- The challenges of recruitment
- Defining the target profile
- Preparing the selection
- Conducting the interview
- Writing an objective report
Training relay kit
- Relay training kit, LEAD® sales techniques
- Briefing of the manager before using the relay kits
- Set of 5 kits to be used by the manager to relay the sales techniques training
Training relay kit
- Training relay kit, negotiation techniques DEAL®
- Briefing of the manager before using the relay kits
- Series of 7 kits to be used by the manager to relay the sales techniques training
Succeed in your annual interviews
- Introduction to conducting interviews
- The key factors of success
- Conducting the interview
- Difficult interviews
Managerial itching powder
- What really counts
- The result cannot be controlled
- The mathematics of prospecting
LEAD®, DEAL®, BOSS® and 5E5S® are trademarks of Halifax Consulting.