20 weeks to transform your sales function!
For the next 20 weeks, the Celsius team offers you a series of articles and videos to help you challenge your sales function and identify ways to optimize it (objectives, structure, processes, teams, tools).
As we like to say, the sales function is the function that allows you to enter the positive figures in the results statements and, but which is often, after more than 15 years of experience, the one that is the least understood and consequently the least well structured. A strong sales function not only allows the company to have a structured, controlled and continuous growth, but also allows the company to invest, to develop in new sectorial and geographical markets in a profitable way.
This series is built on the 10 major observations we have made during our interventions with our clients. It aims to provide you with food for thought and solutions so that week after week, you can improve and transform your processes, your structure, your management style, your teams… In short, move your sales department towards more profitable actions that will generate positive results on an ongoing basis.
One of the best ways to start this series is for you to conduct your own assessment of your sales function’s performance, by completing the self-diagnosis that will give you an initial assessment of your sales function’s managerial maturity index.

So, let’s start at the beginning, the involvement of the sales force!